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Natural Gas Pressure Reducing and Metering Stations



In facilities encompassing 20,000 m² together with a skilled team of professionals, Petro Gas Parsa (PGP) currently manufactures natural gas pressure reducing and metering stations, in cabinet and flat types.

With capacities ranging from 100 scmh to 300,000 scmh in different pressures and flows, these stations serve transmission and distribution, industrial, residential, and power plant projects.

Due to its huge stocks, Petro Gas Parsa (PGP) is capable of manufacturing stations according to requested capacities, in the shortest possible time frame.

Petro Gas Parsa has already reached new frontiers by exporting these stations to Middle East and Africa.

The main installed parts and equipment of the stations are solely provided by Petro Gas Parsa (PGP) and supplied by Italy’s Tartarini, Germany’s Actaris, and France’s Francel, companies approved by prominent gas distributing companies companies like TRACTEBEL, GDF (Gas de France), BG (British Gas), AEM, ITALGAS, SNAM, Enargas, Gas Natural, Gasunie, Bord Gáis, Metrogas, Phoenix Gas, IGDAS, BOTAS, SPP, Éireann, and independent organizations such as TSI, SZU, TÜV, DVGW, ISPEL, TSE, IGNiC, JKJ, MBH, CESI, GOST, BARBARA, FTZU, UDT.


Some of Completed Projects Include:

Manufacture of over 1,600 natural gas pressure reducing and metering stations (low pressure 4 bar up to medium pressure 25 bar) in cabinet and flat types, with 400 scmh to 30,000 scmh capacity.

Manufacture of over 1,500 gas metering and CNG stations with capacities between 300 scmh to 10,000 scmh in cabinet and flat types.

Manufacture of over 200 high pressure natural gas reducing flat type stations, i.e. city gate stations, heavy industries, power plant, petrochemical, and steel industries stations.

City Gate / District Station Commercial / Industrial Service Odorant Injection Systems Relief Valves / Backpressure Regulators Residential / Utilization Service Regulators Shutoff Devices Transmission Regulators
FL Series CS 200 Series

CS 400 Series

OL Series


EZR B Series BM5




FL Series